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The Final Bell: A Look at Today's Market Sentiment - May 12th, 2023

Market Sentiment The VIX closed at 17.03 today, below both its 10-day moving average of 17.51 and its 200-day moving average of 22.52. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 index closed at 4124.07, slightly above its 10-day moving average of 4122.53 and its 200-day moving average of 3974.61. Let's take a closer look at the VIX options data to analyze the market sentiment. Call Option Analysis Total call volume today was 1,027,760 contracts, with 147,729 contracts traded at the bid or below and 182,505 contracts traded at the ask or above. The remaining 697,526 contracts were traded between the market spread. Among these call options, the majority of the contracts traded for 0-20 delta calls (564,023 contracts) and 21-40 delta calls (337,861 contracts). This suggests that investors

The Final Bell: A Look at Today's Market Sentiment - May 11th, 2023

Market Sentiment The VIX closed at 16.93, with a 10-day moving average of 17.38, which is lower than its 200-day moving average of 22.56. The S&P 500 index closed at 4130.63, with a 10-day moving average of 4127.07 and a 200-day moving average of 3974.11. Based on the VIX option data, there is a mixed sentiment for the market direction. Call Option Analysis There is a total call volume of 1,171,212 contracts, with 236,996 contracts trading at BID or below and 141,438 contracts trading at ASK or above. Contracts traded between the market spread are 792,778, with 649,617 contracts traded for 0-20 delta call, 384,414 contracts for 21-40 delta call, 120,995 contracts for 41-60 delta call, 4,036 contracts for 61-80 delta call, and 12,150 contracts for 81-100 delta call. This suggests a bullish short

The Final Bell: A Look at Today's Market Sentiment - May 9th, 2023

Market Sentiment The VIX closed at 17.70, with the 10-day moving average of 17.58 and the 200-day moving average of 22.63, indicating a relatively stable market outlook. However, a closer look at the VIX options reveals a mixed picture, with some interesting trends emerging. The S&P 500 index, meanwhile, closed at 4119.18, remaining flat with its 10-day moving average of 4119.38 but above the 200-day moving average of 3972.21. Call Option Analysis In terms of call options, the total call volume was 834,258 contracts, with 547,912 contracts traded between the market spread. The majority of contracts traded for the 0-20 delta call, with 506,162 contracts traded, followed by 21-40 delta calls with 232,398 contracts. This suggests that investors are bullish in the short term, as they

The Final Bell: A Look at Today's Market Sentiment - May 8th, 2023

Market Sentiment The VIX index closed at 16.97, which is below the 10-day moving average of 17.68 and the 200-day moving average of 22.68. The S&P 500 index closed at 4138.13, above both the 10-day and 200-day moving averages of 4114.63 and 3971.42, respectively. Based on the VIX options data, we can analyze the market sentiment in the short term and long term. Call Option Analysis The total call volume was 476,764 contracts, with 291,805 contracts traded for 0-20 delta call, the most actively traded range. The put to call ratio was 0.52, indicating a higher demand for calls than puts. The current IV percentile is 33%, and the implied volatility is 91.82%, which is higher than the historical average. Overall, the call data suggests bullish sentiment in the short term, with a higher demand for c

The Final Bell: A Look at Today's Market Sentiment - May 5th, 2023

Market Sentiment The VIX, a measure of market volatility, closed at 17.19, below both its 10-day and 200-day moving averages. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 index closed at 4,136.26, above its 10-day moving average but below its 200-day moving average. In terms of VIX options, call volume was significantly higher than put volume, with a total of 928,324 call contracts traded compared to 517,046 put contracts traded Call Option Analysis Looking at the call options, the majority of the contracts traded were for 0-20 delta calls, with 409,490 contracts traded. This suggests that traders were buying more out-of-the-money call options in anticipation of a potential market rally. However, it's worth noting that the number of contracts traded for 21-40 delta calls (313,487) was also significant, indicating that some

Balancing Human Capital and Financial Capital: The Key to Long-term Financial Success

Document When it comes to building and managing wealth, many people focus solely on financial capital - the assets and resources that can be bought and sold for profit. However, it is equally important to consider human capital - the skills, knowledge, and abilities of individuals that can be leveraged to generate income and create value. In fact, the mix of human capital and financial capital can change over time, particularly as individuals age and face different life stages and events. Understanding Human Capital Human capital is often referred to as the most important asset that an individual possesses. It includes an individual's skills, knowledge, education, and work experience. It is often developed over time through formal education, on-the-job training, a

The Final Bell: A Look at Today's Market Sentiment - May 4th, 2023

Market Sentiment The VIX closed at 20.09, above its 10-day moving average of 17.63 and below its 200-day moving average of 22.72. The S&P 500 index closed at 4061.23, below its 10-day moving average of 4114.24 and above its 200-day moving average of 3969.84. Looking at the VIX options data, we can analyze the call and put volumes separately to get a better understanding of the market sentiment. Call Option Analysis The total call volume was 2,674,222 contracts. Out of those, 262,227 contracts traded at BID or below, 539,682 contracts traded at ASK or above, and 1,872,313 contracts traded between the market spread. The majority of the contracts traded were in the 0-20 delta call range, with 1,285,616 contracts traded. The 21-40 delta call range saw 910,298 contracts traded, followed by the 41